Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Wants vs. Wants

I'm standing in the shower this morning and randomly I start thinking about goals and things I want to do. I have some big ideas. I have a desire to do great things in the ministry. Those goals are not necessarily specific, some are, but most are levels that I want to reach.

I want to be involved with an amazing church that is committed to growth.
I want to have a youth group that is on fire for Christ.
I want to be a great communicator.
I want to write a book.
I want to be influential in the lives of everyone I talk to.

I see a problem. Do you?

I want...

Those are not bad wants. They are true and genuine. They are full of good intentions. But still... I want.

Does God want me to follow those paths? What if His plan for me is totally different?

Today in chapel, our President, Dr. David Faust, introduced a plan that had been put together to "upgrade" our school. Its a great plan. There are going to renovations, constructions, deconstructions, and remodels. Some people may say, "The campus looks great and everything is functional, why spend more money on things we don't need?". But the point of doing is all this work is not for people to say "WOW, what a school!". The point is to influence millions, by teaching thousands. With all the new building, students now and in the future will be better equipped to "serve the church and shape the world". I think CCU is on the right path.

God is going to bless me with my wants. What I need to do first, however, is to give my wants to Him. If I allow my wants to be shaped into His wants, then I will be blessed with the desires of my heart. If I am going to be a true follower of Christ, I need to put MY wants aside. It is as simple as that. There is a small catch... God's over all plan may not be what you want after all. The good news is that His plan will undoubtedly be better then what you can imagine. Part of letting Him have control of your wants is to be willing to follow.

"In the same way, any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple."
Luke 14:33 (NIV)

I encourage you to follow your wants and goals, but make sure God has control of them. You will be amazed to see what will happen with God backing you up.

"I want God's wants for my wants."


Anonymous said...

Exactly! just go with the flow of life, and see where God leaves you. And once again your still a HOSS! By the way, God tells me your goin to need some funding to do some of your missions in life, so when you do start that trip into life, let me know and I'll donate what I can. You make more sense then some of these other weirdos out their!

Anonymous said...


i love you.
