Wednesday, September 19, 2007

No title... I dont know what I am going to write:

This is a blog that I started way back in April or May. For some reason I didn't quite finish it then, so I finished it today. Hopefully it isn't too sporadic. It was difficult to get into the mind frame I was in when I originally wrote this. Let me know what you think...

So, I am sitting. I am sitting in a coffee house. I am sitting in a coffee house named Sitwells. (I know, you are intrigued.) I shan’t lie… this place intrigues me. Everyone in here is different. All of them probably like coffee, but then again, they might not. That was an assumption. The atmosphere in here is quite relaxing. The lighting is dim, the chairs are hard, the coffee taste slightly burnt, and there is a lot of random art and photographs hanging on the walls. There are people studying, chatting, eating, and reading. There are a few different nationalities represented in here too. (By the way, I just took a sip of my recently refilled cup of coffee and it still tastes burnt) (I added some creamer… it is a little better.) Here are some quotes which line the top of the wall here at Sitwells: “Blood moves our skin” “We bend alive around cup and cloud.” “Is passion only revelry?” and “Lust warms our lips.” Are you really intrigued now or did I kill your intriguedness. (I know I know, that is not even a word, but deal with it) As I sit here in Sitwells being intrigued, I wonder… do these people know Jesus like I do? I would venture to say that at least half of them do not. That may even be an underestimation. (The coffee is getting better with every sip) I know that I do not know Christ as much as I could or should, but do the people in here even know Him at all? (…Right now, I would not be surprised if you are thinking “I’ve heard all this before” or “this is a cliche blog”… I know I would be. It seems like people are always thinking “I wonder if all these people know Christ?”. If you are thinking that, then oh well. That is what this is about. I have never blogged about it, and I am sure we can always use a reminder) Back to the point… As a Christian, it is my job to share Christ with people. People everywhere. People here in Cincinnati. People here in Sitwells. They are all loved by God. They were created to love Him. He deserves their love, and He deserves my devotion to turn them to His love.

Speaking of loving Him… How amazing would it be if all these people WERE Christians already?! It could be a glimpse of heaven. All kinds of different people, representing different nationalities, representing different languages, but all representing the same saving faith. Too cool. I believe that is what Christ wants for us here on earth. It is represented in Revelation 5:9, and it is represented in the Antioch church in Acts 11. Along with these passages, it appears that Jesus had unity of all peoples in mind when he prays in John 17:20. God wants us as believers to live in harmony with one another. It shouldn't matter what race we are, what language we speak or what political party we adhere to... in Christ we should be ONE. I think the church in general really struggles with this idea. Too many times churches are not flexible enough to meet the needs of their community and it results in a "segregated" church. It isn't like the church does it on purpose, but sometimes we are too concerned about changing or adjusting that we end up keeping "different"(i.e. race, language, clothing style, preferred music, etc.) types of people out. Its a sad reality and we should be ashamed.

What is the solution?

Can we be ONE?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this blog..
