Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A 3 days walk into the wilderness...

There are times in life when we feel like we are at the end of our rope. We feel like we have to "reach up just to touch rock bottom". We are drained, stressed, depressed, frustrated, confused, mad, hurt, annoyed... ANYTHING.

Ive been at that point in the recent past. I was living in Georgia and had a pretty good set-up if I do say so myself. I had good friends, a church family, and a wonderful girlfriend. Life was grand. Right after I graduated, however, my family had to move to Indiana. I had to leave behind a lot of people and things that I loved...including my girlfriend. I did not know why it was happening. I was frustrated, sad, mad, and confused. Eventually, things worked out. The only thing that really remained difficult to deal with was a long distance relationship. Things got really hard. I was at school, she was working, and because of things related to that, keeping our relationship together and strong was unbelievably difficult. We continued to work through the stress and made it a point to not give up. I asked God many times why we had to go through this mess. Things would have been so much easier if I had never moved. I wanted to be with her so bad, but obviously, God had different plans.

In Exodus 15:23-25 we read about the Israelites who have just traveled for 3 days into the wilderness just to discover that they have no water to drink. Now let me give you a quick background... Right before their 3 day journey, they were having this amazing worship service with singing and dancing! The Lord had just delivered them out of the hands of the Egyptians. They had just walked across the Red Sea on dry ground. This massive group of people had just witnessed one of the most amazing miracles ever and because of that they were praising the Lord. So, they are in the wilderness, presumably three days after walking through a massive body of water, and they instantly begin grumbling to Moses for leading them into this wilderness with no good water to drink. Moses hears their complaints and then takes his request before God. God told Moses to put a log into the bitter water and immediately it was sweetened and able to drink.

These people were in a great position one day. Then three days later they are led to a place that has bitter water that is unfit to drink. Why would the Lord lead them to this place? Why were they in this wilderness?

Job found himself in a "wilderness" too. He had everything a man could ask for... wealth, family, a house, land, and God. But before he knew it, it was all gone. Now, it was not something God did, but God did allow it to happen. Job was taken from a position of honor and greatness and ended up pretty much as low as a man could get. Why? It doesn't seem fair.

Jesus... God's own son. God himself in human form found himself in a "wilderness". He was going to die for the sins of the world. He knew it was going to happen. Still he was in the garden on his knees in desperate prayer asking God to rescue him from this situation. He did not want to go through the excruciating pain of crucifixion and die. He knew he had to though. He obeyed his Father even in His wilderness.

I think there are times when God himself calls us to a wilderness. He leads us to a place of desperation. We are depressed, confused, stressed, sad, and perhaps downright mad at God for taking us to the wilderness with no water to drink. I also think that he always has a reason for what he does. For the Israelites it was a way of showing them that he was in control. He was going to protect them even when it seems as though there is no hope. Job was restored. His faith was pushed to the max but still he trusted in God. Jesus died. But he died so that you and me could live. God knew what he was doing. He had a plan... and still does.

I realized later that God lead me to Indiana for a reason. I have experienced some great things here. I am at a great school learning more and more about God and his word. I have been involved in amazing youth groups which have taught me a lot and given me experience in the field which I am going into. I have made amazing friends that I will always hold dear. I have a lot to be thankful for and I doubt any of it would be this way if I had not moved. The distance strengthened my relationship with my girlfriend. We fought long and hard to make it work and eventually she moved up to Indiana too. As a matter of fact we are engaged and are planning a wedding now. God has taken me from a desert, a wilderness with no water, to a place where I can see his over all plan. At least so far. Who knows what He has in store for me!

I do know that He can and will bring you out of the wilderness too. He will give you water to drink. He will protect you. He will not leave you. Stick to him. Trust him. You may not see why things are happening the way there are right now, but when you get through the struggles you will realize that God had your hand the whole time.

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